Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Can you see with your eyes closed?

Here is a photograph of a dear client of mine who's wedding I photographed and then had the opportunity years later to photograph his family.

Often times when I am photographing, someone might have their eyes closed for instance when laughing or when embracing. Many of my clients surmise if only the eyes were open it would be a great photograph. I believe that in those cases where we close our eyes on purpose we are doing something that goes beyond what might be perceived as bad timing. In a group photograph its truly is about timing.

Allowing for the father to be with his son he is moved to give his son a hug. You see the embrace he gives to his son and he naturally closes his eyes as if he is simultaneously drinking in and pouring out his love for his son. The father's expression is one of peace, serenity and calm as I witness it. This place where the father has gone to is absolutely beautiful. In his world at that moment there is nothing more important nothing more pressing then his experience of LOVE in his embrace.

Do you get a good feeling when you see the image? Do you think he needs to have his eyes open in order for this to be a powerful image? Granted I did do images of him looking back into the camera but when he instinctivly closed his eyes I felt the image had so much more power.

Can you be aware when you close your eyes? Can you have an awareness of where you go when you do this? Do you see anything from within?
Does closing your eyes heighten your experience? Does closing your eyes allow you to focus?

Enjoy those moments where you are moved from within to close your eyes. You might experience something you've never seen before.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Do Seasons inspire change in your life?
Are you inspired by certain seasons? Do you believe that seasons have any influence on your life? For me I am acutely aware of the seasons we have in the northeast. I often wonder what it would be like to live out in say... San Diego or South Beach where the weather seems to be consistant all year long. I wonder if I would be confused by not experiencing the changes of the seasons. From a business stand point I guess I might be busy all year round since much of my work is done on location. I usually start to think about this going into March.

Winter seems to be a time when I instinctively go inward and read and reflect back on what I have done and what I would like to create in the future.

Spring for me represents movement, growth and rebirth and taking the ideas that I sat with during the winter and implement them. I find myself decluttering and breaking away all the excess stuff that is distracting me from what I really want to focus on. It is also a time to lose the weight that I seem to traditionally put on over the winter. I want very much to be outside again walking, biking, photographing, swimming. You get the picture.

Summer, I can't say as I have figured out yet but I think back to my school years as just playful and carefree. I don't think that is my total experience these days but note to self, I better put that on my action list.

Fall is for me a coming together of what I worked on creating all year long. I guess it mirrors the harvest for me. I experience alot of great completions during the fall.

How do the seasons inspire you? Can you see a difference in your life depending on the season we are in?

Are seasons really the spice of life?

Look beyond the obvious. You may see something you never knew was there before.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hands speak for us when words are not present.
Do you beleive that? When I show my portfolio to perspective brides often times parents are not really sure why I will photograph hands. Where are the faces they say. Well of course I photograph the faces as well but as a photographer and someone who is inspired by emotion and aesthetic I cannot go thru a wedding or a portrait session without at some point photographing the hands. They say volumes to me. When I keep my awareness to this level I know that I am on my A game. The hands will tell me everything I need to know about what is going on.

The photograph in the upper left hand corner (excuse the play on words) is that of a bride in the mirror getting ready for her ceremony which is about 200 yds from that room. Her hands to me show her feelings of anxiety and fear as to what she is about to do which is something every bride goes thru just before they walk down the aisle. By photographing her with out her face in this image the hands become the loud speaker for the emotion that is present within her.

The lower left image of the father and daughter dancing during the father daughter dance is beautiful. Look at both the gentleness and strength in which he holds his daughter's hand and what puts it over the edge for me is how he pulls it close to his heart. He may not even realize that he is doing this and she may not realize it either but a powerful feeling is present within them both and you see it in her hands. How valuable do you think this image is to them when they see it from this perspective? Love the image but if you cannot see the power in it then it is just some hands hanging out together.

Hands are wonderful and I beleive besides being a practical tool they help us to express when words may not be present.

Look at the hands of your loved ones. Notice what they do. Feel the warmth of a touch of a hand and know that those touches are just as powerful if not more than words.

Have fun and remember to look beyond the obvious you may find something you never knew before.
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Saturday, April 08, 2006

A Shared Smile

When I think of a family portrait the image I receive is that of the classic image of the whole family perfectly posed and looking into the camera smiling. I have seen many of them in my clients homes that are nice and all but don't exude a feeling at all. As a photograph it's done it's job on a base level. Here is the family, this is what they look like, and yes they have a lab. Hee! Hee!
Many times the people have a deer caught in the headlights look. Have you seen this type of image? No wonder why many people are not excited about having family portrait made.

As a photographer I am inspired by truth, I want very much to photograph emotion that is real and powerful. Its around us all the time. Sometimes I witness it as subtle like in the grabbing of a hand or the squeezing of a shoulder. Sometimes its very apparent in an embrace or in a smile or the eyes. I look for opportunities to allow for people to show up without the inner critic that lives inside each one of us. I find that if I can allow a group to forget about their inner critic and be present with me and have fun the sky is the limit on what we can do.

The image of a father and son shows a wondeful connection that they enjoy. I like the image because first of all its true, second I receive a warm feeling of love and joy which to me makes this photograph so powerful. When ever I am able to create a space for people to show up without their critic, magic happens.

I wonder what it must be like to have a photograph that reflects back to you a moment with your son where you are both blissed out? Do you find value in this image?

Of course its also important to have images of them looking back at the camera for grandma, but can you see the power and value present in this image?

Can you see how powerful a photograph can be?

Can you see how powerful and rich a shared smile can be?

I invite you to watch the moments that are not so obvious to the camera. You maybe surprise at what you see.

When you are taking a photograph take the one where everyone is looking but then after you have taken the image keep looking at your subject and watch how they go from being ON for the camera to being REAL as they are not aware of the camera at that point.

Have fun and remember to see beyond the obvious.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Are you Present? And is your Presence a Present?

This is a question I find myself asking myself more now. I know that when I have my camera in my hands and am working with a client I am ultra present. I need to be in order to allow for them to be as well. When I am in this state of presence I am better able to serve and see the uniqueness of my client and allow for that to come forth I also feel incredibly alive inside.
I find it interesting that when I don't have my camera in my hands a different experience many times shows up for me. I know many times I am not always present for a conversation that I may not be totally interested in it. I find that I am off somewhere else thinking about what I have to do or the fact that I have no interest in what is being said.

Have you ever had the experience of just not being present during a conversation or some event? I wonder where we go? Have you ever been driving and for some reason and so deep in thought that when you get to your destination you wonder how you got there? What brings you present? Are you aware of not being present? Do we have an auto pilot we can switch on? When do we make that decision or is it a conditioned response to something we have already experienced as something we do not want? Do you become present because something is required of you? Maybe a loved one notices you are somewhere else. Do they call you back? Even though you are physically there, do you think people can sense that you are not present?

I find the times that I am most present are when I am not thinking about being anywhere else but here now. Do you ever notice when you are not having a great time that you look at your watch more? Have you had the awareness that after being in conversation that you were totally involved and interested in that you say where did the time go?

The two brothers I photographed at the beach I experienced as being very present both with themselves and with me. Everything about this photograph was from them and if you look in their eyes I believe that you can see it. There is a presence to this image. The boys ability to be with me in that moment. I feel that I am able to discern in the eyes whether the person is present with me or not. I see and realize how important it is for me to show up and be present with people. I experience more of a moment when I feel the other person's presence with me.

We use the term presence often with someone that has influenced or touched us or sparked us or inspired us. Why do you think that is? I would venture to say that is because that person has the ablility to be very present with people and people feel that, for me when I am in the presence of someone with this ability they draw me out into that same place where they are and I feel great. Almost like they are saying hey you want to come out and play.

As a photographer my gift to my client is my presence and full attention and the gift that I receive is their presence. We often take this for granted but I now understand how your presence can be experienced as a gift or if you will forgive me with the play on words a real present.

Give the gift of your presence. It truly is a present!

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Got Family?
The image of a single Mother with her son was taken just in back of my studio where the Essex Steam trains runs daily and just down the road from the Ferry that runs to Haddam Lyme across the CT River. I feel a great sense of gratitude when I think about what a beautiful place I live in. I often feel as though I live in one of Mark Twain's novels.

I have watched as our image of family has changed throughout the years. I am a witness to many different types of families that don't reflect what I was shown on TV as the average family consisting of Mother, Father and brothers and sisters and the family pet.

Families come in all shapes sizes and colors. Can we make room for all these families? Does it push a button within you when you see something that does not reflect what you think it should be?

Today I photograph families that have adopted children from all over the world. I have photographed gay and lesbian families. I photographed single parent families. And what was known as the traditional family. The common thread that I see when photographing these families is the LOVE that is present within the family. It is a real honor to be a witness when a family can express their LOVE.

While many images were taken of the Mother and Son together I felt this one touched my heart the most as it to me captured their bond and connection together. I love the grace in which the Mother is able to balance on the train tracks. Look at her arms as they are stretched across to provide her with balance she needs to continue to stay on track. Then look at the little boy who is very determined not to fall off the tracks. Notice his arms and where they are. He has not learned to balance yet. The Mother who now takes her ability to stay on track for granted finds it easy and fun while the little boy is challenged and at some points frustrated by his inability to stay on track.

If we were to use the train tracks as a metaphor we could say that the tracks represent our life and the balance that it takes to stay on track. We can also see that years and experience has afforded the Mother the grace to walk on the tracks almost effortlessly. The youth of the young boy wants very much to be able to do what his Mother is able to and so he brings his determination to walk with balance. Although I am not a parent I would imagine that a parent would want to instill in their children the willingness to continue to walk on their tracks no matter how many times they have fallen off or even gotten derailed by Life. I would also imagine that having children would be a great motivator in continuing to stay on track as well.

Celebrate your Family!

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Duality of Perception.

What is your perception of these two images?

Lately my awareness has been heightened to the duality that surrounds me
in my life. It's everywhere I look.

I am curious about perception. I realize I am invested in perception. And
I realize that our society values perception.

Can we control perception? Does perception control us?

My perception tells a story that this girl on the left is feeling fear.
My perception tells a story that this girl on the right is feeling freedom.

Could both of these feelings be present in this girl in both photographs? Is there space for both Freedom and Fear to exist together? Is there a natural order in which we experience fear first and then freedom as we go right through the fear?

Maybe our perception of a situation is what invites fear or joy or any range of emotions to become present. I just got the image of Perception being this promoter that is throwing a party and just inviting fear, doubt, insecurity to the gala. Perception seems to have a lot of power as to who might show up and what the overall experience will be.

So I am curious as to how much power do we allow our perception to have? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Is there Beauty in the darkness?

Can this image be beautiful? Can you see the beauty within it? For years I stayed away from photographing in the dark. I judged it for some reason as ugly or evil. All the things I was taught growing up went right against the symbol of darkness.

I was drawn to take this image for a number of reasons, many of which are unconscious but nontheless I find beauty within this image. I love how the light touches the bricks and gives a bit of a sheen to reveal the texture of the bricks. I love the repetition and care that was revealed in how they were placed to create that pattern. I love the dark harsh lines of the fence I shot through which add some tension and a bit of drama to the image. Would this image be beautiful if it was full on sun shining down on everything? Maybe, but you would not see the texture of the bricks. You would not receive the drama of the fence and the feeling would be blah, in my opinion.

I have come to believe that darkness can reveal beauty.

Can you find beauty in the darkness?

Can you find beauty in your darkness?
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wisdom & Innocence.

Who in this photograph holds the wisdom and who holds the innocence?

Is it possible that they both do? What a wonderful match.

Do you think the grandfather can see himself when he was young? Some might say he is looking into the mirror.

Can he see the innocence in himself? Can he see the wisdom in himself?

This photograph is a favorite of mine and it for me is very thought provoking.

I love photographing Children and their Grandparents. The connection I witness is truly extraordinary.

Do you remember getting excited about a shell or a rock or the perfect stick? Do you think that same energy that it now might take winning the lotto always feels present when we hold onto our innocence? I mean a feeling is just a feeling right?

So is there wisdom in innocence or is innocence wisdom?
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Monday, March 27, 2006


As a photographer I like to change my
perspective which allows me to see things I normally would not be able to see from my 6'2 stature. I find myself often either on the floor or up on a laddar or chair photographing. This brings a freshness to my work and gives us yet another way to look at something. So often I realize that my journey in photography has taught me so many life lessons. Is that because I am in my late thirties that perhaps I am more aware of this? I tend to think the older I get the younger I get. Does that make sense? I enjoy looking for the Easter Eggs that show up in my life especially related to my work. Do you notice the Easter Eggs in your life?

Sophie, for a small dog, has the appetite of a Great Dane. From her perspective the more feet under the table means more, more, more.

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Is Spring here? I have been waiting for spring to arrive. I keep looking out my window but it Winter is still vacationing with us here in the Northeast. Today I have the windows open to the studio the sun is shining and I am thinking about being outside.

I am ready for Spring are you?
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Friday, March 24, 2006

Truth is Beauty.
Honoring what is.

One of the aspects that I very much enjoy about photographing children is that you never know how they will show up.

When I first started photographing children I was very invested in a certain outcome of how the image had to be. I would get very invested in making it happen.

Almost always the child would sense my agenda and be less then cooperative. Making a space for what is to show up was a great lesson that I was given from my little clients

Now with time on my side I am able to stay detached to a certain out come. I know that as long as I am present and connecting with the child they are going to show up as who they really are. I believe there inlies the art of the image as it is based in truth which for me brings such POWERFUL content to the image and honors the person as who they really are. So I realize that both myself and my subject are colaborators in a sense. We make this agreement that we will both show up and be present for each other and then as I get out of the way the beauty of Truth shows up.

I am grateful to my little friends who are constantly reminding me to show up and just be!

Kennedy is the daughter of a dear friend of mine and I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph Kennedy as she shared with me her many sides. These images to me summed it up for me.

To be so FREE that you can express how you feel in a given moment. What a great gift. Yes please!
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Friday, March 17, 2006

Its St. Paddy's Day and all I want to do is play!

Have you ever woken up and decided that all you want to do today is play. I feel like playing yet I can't seem to find anyone else that is able to play today. I guess I will have to wait till people get out of work to have some fun. Or maybe I don't need to wait maybe I will play on-line.

LET'S PLAY! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

These are my grandparents on my mother's side from Denmark. I have been going thru and scanning our family photographs into an archive. Its truly reminds me of how powerful and helpful photographs are to our family history.

My memories of being in Denmark in the summer time and going into the garden with my grandfather to pick strawberries and then to sit in their small kitchen and help my grandmother peel the strawberries for desert in the evening is a fond memory that I cherish. Finding this image of my grandparnts on the sofa in their home and how present and almost an all knowing look as they are being photographed shows me the essence of who they are and I am able to revisit them each time I see and experience this image. How wonderful it is to be able to SEE.

Photograph your Grandparents! Enjoy your Grandparents! Love your Grandparents!

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Waiting or Awaiting?

It never ceases to amaze me of how we all arrive here. How we are destine to start so small and then continue to grow physically and mentally and spiritually.

I can only imagine the excitement the fear the range of emotions that a woman must feel as she knows that she is carrying another being within her.

I have started photographing the celebration of woman who are with child, awaiting, in bloom, pregnant, with bun in oven. None of these really seem to do this time justice. The energy that exists within a mother to be is simply BEAUTIFUL. Is there a word to describe this. All I can say is it truly is a time to honor and marvel at how small and how big we all are and to remember black,white, green, red, yellow, purple we are truly one and how wonderful we all are.

I found a wonderful magazine that I bought today called Plum the website is www.plummagazine.com enjoy! Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 16, 2006

Love the Blues?

Dan Stevens is your man. Dan makes his home in Essex Connecticut with his wife and little baby daugther. Dan is a very talented Blues Musician. Check out his website for his schedule.
www.danstevens.net Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 15, 2006

To Blog or not to blog?

Ok to blog. My name is Erik K. Johnson and I have lived and work in Chester Connecticut for the past 16 years. I have a company called Scandinavian Photography LLC. I very much enjoy my working and living in Chester.

The intent of this blog is to create a place where I can connect and share what is happening with myself and my business and to share favorite photographs, ideas, tips for photographing, and anything I deem remotely interesting. Ha! Well after all it’s my blog. Ok here goes…. Posted by Picasa
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