Are you Present? And is your Presence a Present?
This is a question I find myself asking myself more now. I know that when I have my camera in my hands and am working with a client I am ultra present. I need to be in order to allow for them to be as well. When I am in this state of presence I am better able to serve and see the uniqueness of my client and allow for that to come forth I also feel incredibly alive inside.
I find it interesting that when I don't have my camera in my hands a different experience many times shows up for me. I know many times I am not always present for a conversation that I may not be totally interested in it. I find that I am off somewhere else thinking about what I have to do or the fact that I have no interest in what is being said.
Have you ever had the experience of just not being present during a conversation or some event? I wonder where we go? Have you ever been driving and for some reason and so deep in thought that when you get to your destination you wonder how you got there? What brings you present? Are you aware of not being present? Do we have an auto pilot we can switch on? When do we make that decision or is it a conditioned response to something we have already experienced as something we do not want? Do you become present because something is required of you? Maybe a loved one notices you are somewhere else. Do they call you back? Even though you are physically there, do you think people can sense that you are not present?
I find the times that I am most present are when I am not thinking about being anywhere else but here now. Do you ever notice when you are not having a great time that you look at your watch more? Have you had the awareness that after being in conversation that you were totally involved and interested in that you say where did the time go?
The two brothers I photographed at the beach I experienced as being very present both with themselves and with me. Everything about this photograph was from them and if you look in their eyes I believe that you can see it. There is a presence to this image. The boys ability to be with me in that moment. I feel that I am able to discern in the eyes whether the person is present with me or not. I see and realize how important it is for me to show up and be present with people. I experience more of a moment when I feel the other person's presence with me.
We use the term presence often with someone that has influenced or touched us or sparked us or inspired us. Why do you think that is? I would venture to say that is because that person has the ablility to be very present with people and people feel that, for me when I am in the presence of someone with this ability they draw me out into that same place where they are and I feel great. Almost like they are saying hey you want to come out and play.
As a photographer my gift to my client is my presence and full attention and the gift that I receive is their presence. We often take this for granted but I now understand how your presence can be experienced as a gift or if you will forgive me with the play on words a real present.
Give the gift of your presence. It truly is a present!

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Nice Job
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