Hands speak for us when words are not present.
Do you beleive that? When I show my portfolio to perspective brides often times parents are not really sure why I will photograph hands. Where are the faces they say. Well of course I photograph the faces as well but as a photographer and someone who is inspired by emotion and aesthetic I cannot go thru a wedding or a portrait session without at some point photographing the hands. They say volumes to me. When I keep my awareness to this level I know that I am on my A game. The hands will tell me everything I need to know about what is going on.
The photograph in the upper left hand corner (excuse the play on words) is that of a bride in the mirror getting ready for her ceremony which is about 200 yds from that room. Her hands to me show her feelings of anxiety and fear as to what she is about to do which is something every bride goes thru just before they walk down the aisle. By photographing her with out her face in this image the hands become the loud speaker for the emotion that is present within her.
The lower left image of the father and daughter dancing during the father daughter dance is beautiful. Look at both the gentleness and strength in which he holds his daughter's hand and what puts it over the edge for me is how he pulls it close to his heart. He may not even realize that he is doing this and she may not realize it either but a powerful feeling is present within them both and you see it in her hands. How valuable do you think this image is to them when they see it from this perspective? Love the image but if you cannot see the power in it then it is just some hands hanging out together.
Hands are wonderful and I beleive besides being a practical tool they help us to express when words may not be present.
Look at the hands of your loved ones. Notice what they do. Feel the warmth of a touch of a hand and know that those touches are just as powerful if not more than words.
Have fun and remember to look beyond the obvious you may find something you never knew before.

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