Duality of Perception.
What is your perception of these two images?
Lately my awareness has been heightened to the duality that surrounds me
in my life. It's everywhere I look.
I am curious about perception. I realize I am invested in perception. And
I realize that our society values perception.
Can we control perception? Does perception control us?
My perception tells a story that this girl on the left is feeling fear.
My perception tells a story that this girl on the right is feeling freedom.
Could both of these feelings be present in this girl in both photographs? Is there space for both Freedom and Fear to exist together? Is there a natural order in which we experience fear first and then freedom as we go right through the fear?
Maybe our perception of a situation is what invites fear or joy or any range of emotions to become present. I just got the image of Perception being this promoter that is throwing a party and just inviting fear, doubt, insecurity to the gala. Perception seems to have a lot of power as to who might show up and what the overall experience will be.
So I am curious as to how much power do we allow our perception to have?

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